System Integration

Dedicated to the dissemination of System Integration information

Defence System Integration

The purpose of this website WAS to act as a catalyst for people to contact me about anything that is related to System Integration


The reason that I wanted people to contact me is that I WAS writing a dissertation for my MSc that is related to System Integration.


The MSc has now been completed and the final Defence Equipment System Integration dissertation has been completed. The appendices of the dissertation contain the detailed results of the largest, as far as I am aware, survey into defence equipment development.


I have also completed a ‘web poster’ that is a summary of my dissertation and the findings.


Please feel free email me if you have any questions about the dissertation or need any help.


System Integration is becoming more relevant as the world becomes more ‘connected’; most information is published as part of an advertisement for a company’s products and services, this is not the case with this site.  This site is totally dedicated to disseminating information and carries no adverts besides the Search facility which, unfortunately, was unavoidable.


About me.


I actively encourage people to email me.

Please feel free to email me at


Unless stated there is no copyright on any of the pages, or information, on this site.  Please feel free to copy anything and use it as you see fit.

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