System Integration

Dedicated to the dissemination of System Integration information

Cause\Effect Diagrams

The table below is the index to a set of cause\effect diagrams that relate either to System Integration (S.I.).  I am certain that they are not proper cause\effect diagrams, i.e. they don’t detail only causes and effects but they do, hopefully, get a message across.


They have enabled me to explain what affects the various aspects of S.I. even if the normal rules of cause\effect diagrams are not applied.


Although they all refer to S.I. they were produced for my dissertation; the diagrams were produced with my dissertation in mind.  Some of the boxes will need to be read in this context.


Please do not apply the exact rules of cause\effect diagrams when looking at them, try and see the general message.


Subsequent to completing these cause\effect diagrams I have done a second iteration of the same information, this time using mind maps.


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Page Title

Date Added


My Dissertation - Why? What is the Scope of the Dissertation?


A cause\effect diagram of the purpose of my dissertation and some thoughts on how I should define the scope of the dissertation.

The Problem Domain and Problem Overview


A cause\effect diagram that defines the ‘problem domain’ and gives an overview of the problem.  At least, my opinion of the problem domain and what the problem is.



A cause\effect diagram that deals with evidence; what is needed, what type, where it could come from etc.

General Dissertation Skills


A cause\effect diagram of what I call ‘general dissertation skills’; the general skills needed to complete a dissertation.

Define the Link Between S.I. and Major System Partitioning


A cause\effect diagram of what needs to be done to define the link between S.I. and major system partitioning.

The System Integration Environment


A cause\effect diagram that explains what is needed for S.I. to be successful - or at least my opinion on the subject.

Major System Partitioning


A cause\effect diagram that sets out my opinion on major system partitioning; what affects it, methodologies etc.

What Affects S.I.


A cause\effect diagram that sets out my opinion on what affects System Integration; money, politics etc.