System Integration

Dedicated to the dissemination of System Integration information

Money is the enabler of System Integration (S.I.).  Without money you can do nothing. 


Whatever S.I. methodology, or process, is decided upon you must have the money to finance it.  When defining the S.I. methodology it must be ensured that there is enough money to follow the plans through; to buy the relative equipment, to set up the relative systems etc.


It can also be the case that ‘affordability’ affects system design, therefore affordability affects S.I.  It is often the case that components of the system, or elements of the design, are selected because they are the cheapest and not the best.  Very often this is a short term decision, one with immediate, or close by, benefits, it is rarely a decision made on a long term view.


Most engineers are not economists, they will take a short term view, they do not consider the full life cycle costs.  It is not an economic decision (i.e. one viewed over the long term) but a short sighted view with long term affects on the S.I. of the system.


Money and System Integration

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