System Integration

Dedicated to the dissemination of System Integration information

Most, if not all, projects involve a workshare of some sort.  This can be a quite formal contractual workshare, e.g. company X has 28% of the work, company Y has 50% and company Z has 22%.  This will filter down to System Integration (S.I.) in that the most S.I. problems are attributable to interfaces, the more you have of them the more S.I. problems you will get. A larger number of companies involved in the contract means that you will have more interfaces, more interfaces means more S.I. problems.


A factor related to workshare is information sharing, i.e. because all the partners in the contract need to work together they also need to share information.  Quite often there are reasons, often legal, why information cannot be shared between certain companies and why, if the consortium is international in nature, between countries.


Information sharing needs to be considered when the workshare is defined.


Workshare and System Integration

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